Making Quality Healthcare Affordable and Accessible
“No one should have to choose between healthcare and paying the rent.”
As a small business owner I know healthcare isn't just a problem for our employees and their families, but it’s also a crucial issue for our economy. In the US, and especially Minnesota, we are proud that we have some of the best health care available in the world. This includes cutting edge research, constant innovation, and incredibly skilled doctors and nurses. Despite all this, many still struggle with access to the system. Navigating the insurance bureaucracy is a struggle for too many people. Small businesses need to obtain more reasonable costs to continue being a conduit to the healthcare system for employees. Employees need consistent coverage and fewer out-of-pocket costs, so their healthcare policies are usable. Our current insurance system cloaks our healthcare in layers of complexity, obscuring transparency, competition, and ease of navigation.
Consumers need simpler processes and fairer pricing for services. No one should have to choose between healthcare and paying the rent or have to delay care due to paperwork. I will work with anyone in the Legislature willing to help lower costs and improve care. Health care reform is one of my highest priorities starting with lowering drug prices, reducing administration cost, and expanding network accessibility.
Fair Policies Supporting Small Businesses
As a third-generation owner of a family business, I understand the challenges Minnesotans are facing. Past government inaction on issues such as infrastructure, healthcare, and fair tax policy for small businesses versus corporations has made life tough for many entrepreneurs. We need a strong voice advocating for workers and small business owners.
Some believe the solution is to cut taxes and slash regulations. As a small business owner, I can tell you past tax cuts have often left small businesses behind. Trickle down tax policies hurt small businesses. We need a fair tax policy that allow small businesses to grow. Businesses prosper when their communities thrive. Past tax cuts have harmed public projects that would benefit everyone. Instead, there are too many tax breaks and loopholes that allow mega-corporations to reap billions in profits. We need to continue to focus on growing the middle class and actively promote small businesses.
“As a third generation owner of a small family business, I know the challenges Minnesotans are facing.”
Investing in Quality Education for Every Minnesotan
“We need to continue to invest in our children, our schools, and our community.”
Our children are our most precious resource, and their future depends on the tools we provide them today. We need to continue to invest in our children, teachers, public schools, and community. Our future depends on it. Education isn't a one-size-fits-all, so I support increasing access to trade schools, internship programs, and magnet schools. These programs help give students and families choices that best fit their dreams, situations, and careers. Every student is unique, and we need to provide them with agency, direction and support.
Great public schools benefit everyone in the community by boosting the economy and strengthening our democracy. As a father, I know that a quality education provides a lifelong foundation for our children. That's why I voted to make historic investments in our District 196 schools, including literacy programs, paying down the special education subsidy deficit, mental health counseling, and ending any childhood hunger in our classrooms.
Sustainable Energy and Protecting Our Environment
“A healthy environment benefits everyone.”
Minnesota's clean air and beautiful lakes are some of our most cherished treasures. As Minnesotans, we value our natural resources and understand the need to preserve and protect them. A healthy environment benefits everyone. Cleaner air helps combat rising childhood asthma rates, reduced emissions aid farmers facing increased field flooding, and clean water preserves the fishing and game-hunting populations residents and visitors enjoy. Now is the time to invest in renewable energy, create high quality jobs and secure Minnesota’s energy independence.
Pollution, unclear air, and contaminated water harm all living beings. In the last session, we passed some of the most advanced legislation in the country to address the issues of PFAS and nitrate pollution. I will continue to work with people on both sides of the aisle to ensure Minnesota’s air, water, and soil are protected and improved. We are the stewards of our environment, responsible for the land and water that connect to communities beyond our borders. The next generation is depending on us to safeguard their future.
School Safety and Gun Violence
“This issue doesn’t need to divide us. We all want safety for our schools, communities, and gun-owners.”
Hunting and sports shooting are a cherished traditions in Minnesota, but gun violence doesn’t have to be accepted. In the last biennium, we achieved a significant milestone by passing life-saving gun legislation. Criminal background checks for all gun purchases, Extreme Risk Protection Orders (Red Flag laws), increased penalties for Straw Purchasing and a Binary Trigger Ban have all been signed into law. Now, we are finally investing in public health research to determine other ways in which we can further reduce gun violence. Our work is far from over in addressing the public health crisis of firearms in our society.
This issue doesn't need to divide us. We all want safety for our schools, communities, and gun-owners. The new laws haven’t disrupted any hunting or shooting sports in our state. The Legislature passed gun bills supported by a majority of Minnesotans. I will continue to advocate for sensible solutions to gun violence while protecting second amendment rights for law-abiding citizens.